America’s BoneCoach™, Kevin Ellis, Leads Women With Osteopenia & Osteoporosis To Stronger Bones & Active Futures


BoneCoach™ Founder, Kevin Ellis, is harnessing the power of his own journey through osteoporosis to help millions of women with the diagnosis regain health, confidence and freedom from fear.

Most people stride through several decades of their lives without thinking about the most essential part of our human bodies – bones! While every area of skin, eyes, teeth, and even our nails are carefully attended to, the structure that creates our form and gives us the freedom to move is unfortunately out of sight, out of mind. 

Bone health finally becomes a topic of conversation with doctors around the age of 50, and typically only with women. According to The International Osteoporosis Foundation, “Osteoporosis and low bone mass are currently estimated to be a major public health threat for almost 54 million U.S. women and men aged 50 and older. Among the 54 million, 10.2 million adults are estimated to have osteoporosis, of which more than 80% were women.” 

Osteoporosis is four times more likely in women than men, primarily because of the diminishing effect that menopause has on estrogen levels, a hormone that is essential for healthy bones. As a result, millions of women worldwide with this diagnosis are seeking answers on how to treat this condition and get back to enjoying healthy, long, active lives.

Kevin Ellis, Founder of BoneCoach™, has made it his mission to help women across the globe address bone loss, build bone strength, and transcend through fear and overwhelm to a life of education, empowerment, confidence, and stronger bones.

Ellis’ journey started at just 31 years old, when he received a shocking diagnosis of osteoporosis. At the time, he was struggling to overcome a variety of different health challenges including celiac disease. When doctors told him he had brittle bones and a fracture-filled future he was devastated. Even years in the Marines couldn’t stop him from fearing the worst.

He recalls holding his wife and unborn child while sobbing uncontrollably and repeating, “I just want to dance with my daughter on her wedding day.” That was his turning point.

Ellis knew his family and his kids needed him, and he didn’t want the same fate as his father who passed away at the young age of 35. He was determined to figure out the solution to stronger bones. Ellis pursued every avenue of information and research and invested tens of thousands of dollars in finding the answers for boosting bone density, improving bone strength, and regaining his health.

Along the way, he made fascinating discoveries no one was talking about – much to his own shock. One of these discoveries was that the standard recommendation of calcium, vitamin D, walking, and a pharmaceutical treatment for osteoporosis or osteopenia diagnosis, was woefully inadequate and missing critically important pieces. 

It was through these discoveries, his own healing journey, and a desire to help others struggling to make sense of an osteoporosis diagnosis that he decided to become an Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach and use everything he had learned on his transformative journey through osteoporosis to help serve a community of people desperately needing guidance and hope. 

Fueled by his passion, he founded BoneCoach™, created the Stronger Bones Solution™ program, and built out a team of highly-credentialed experts dedicated to making a massive change in the lives of millions affected by osteopenia and osteoporosis by giving them the tools, knowledge, and framework to take back their future. 

What sets BoneCoach™ apart is a dedication to helping people build stronger bones naturally while providing honest, evidence-based guidance and realistic expectations. “What I had to learn and am teaching my clients now is that reversing osteoporosis is the wrong place to focus. Progress is what’s most important.” Ellis shares. “What we do at BoneCoach™ is help people break down the goal of improving bone density and building bone strength into actionable steps, with measurable progress. Progress leads to improvement. Our process and programs are designed to help people make progress and reach their goals.” 

The Stronger Bones Solution™ program’s foundation is a 3-step process geared toward keeping things simple while providing comprehensive guidance and personalized coaching support and guidance. 

The 3 BoneCoach™ Pillars are:

1.Identify – Identify and address the root cause issues and stressors impacting your health and contributing to bone loss.

2.Nourish – Restore the nutrients needed for stronger, healthier bones through diet, digestion, and absorption.

3.Build – Build strength of body, mind, and bone in a way that prevents fracture and injury.

Through their world-class coaching programs, and top experts in their respective fields, BoneCoach™ helps clients develop a personalized stronger bones plan that’s right for their specific needs. 

Ellis attributes the rapid growth and success at BoneCoach™ to their understanding of the clients they work with, building an amazing team, cultivating a culture of care, and tying their business to philanthropy. Ellis believes “we (as a business and as individuals) have a responsibility to do more for others … and I believe a byproduct of our work is the gift of being able to help more people in need. So when someone invests in themselves and our help… we invest in children and families in need.”

They have recently been able to provide over 5,000 meals to hungry kids as well as food, blankets, and emergency shelter materials to families in need through various organizations and charities.

“I’m proud that our business is tied to philanthropy, our team members genuinely care about the well-being of others, and we’re able to live out one of my favorite core values every single day… Community: as we rise, we bring others with us. I’m looking forward to changing more lives in the future. There’s a lot more good to be done in this world.”

In addition to helping women with osteopenia and osteoporosis today, Ellis plans to expand the efforts of BoneCoach™ in the future to focus on helping children and young adults prevent disease and osteoporosis altogether. 

Through BoneCoach™, Kevin Ellis and his team of experts have helped people in over 1,500 cities worldwide breakthrough fear and take action against osteoporosis, reclaiming their bone density, strength, confidence, and active futures.
To start building stronger bones today, visit to begin your journey.

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