Is Kombucha Acidic? Is It Good For Acid Reflux?


Kombucha is popular for its alleged health benefits. It contains billions of probiotics (living bacteria), which is the main reason for its popularity.

Still, many people are unsure whether Kombucha is good for acid reflux. So, here is a question about its nature, “is Kombucha acidic?”

Kombucha is acidic which has a pH range less than 4.6, has a tart, tangy, and slightly sour taste. It is a fermented drink and the duration of fermentation determines the acidity of Kombucha. It is nearly as acidic as pop and energy drinks.

The nature of Kombucha is still debatable. So, let’s explore the benefits of the heart.

Kombucha Acidic Or Alkaline?

Kombucha is considered to be highly acidic. The alcohol and acetic acid are synthesized by SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), and these products are converted into acidity, giving the Kombucha a tart taste.

To enhance the taste, some companies add ginger, grapes, strawberries, lemon, cranberries, and Synergy’s Maqui Berry Mint, a mojito-inspired drink.

pH of Kombucha

Kombucha is acidic, with a pH of less than 4.6. It has an average pH of around 3.0 – 3.5 and a pH range of 2.5 to 3.5, making it highly acidic.  So, Kombucha tastes tarter when its pH is lower.


Beverage  pH

Kumbucha brewed 2.5 – 4.2

Sweet Kombucha 3.5

GT’s Kombucha 2.5 – 3.5

Humm Kombucha 3

Homemade Kombucha 2.5 – 3.0
pH of Kombucha

How To Raise pH Of Kombucha?

You can make the least acidic Kombucha possible, and the pH of Kombucha can be raised by:

  1. Add half a bottle (8oz or 250ml) of your favorite Kombucha to your container.
  2. Mix the batch gently by stirring it gently.
  3. Recheck pH to see if it’s below 4.2 and above 2.5.
  4. You can start brewing if it reaches this critical range.

Is Kombucha Tea Alkaline Or Acidic?

The acidic nature of Kombucha is indicated by its pH being less than the neutral range (below 7). When it is consumed, the body becomes acidic, and its normal functions are disrupted. However, it has been shown to alkalinize the body and help in blood alkalinization, restoring the body to its natural state.

Is Kombucha Good For Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle at the lower end of your esophagus relaxes at the wrong time, allowing stomach acid to back up into your esophagus. So, is Kombucha good for acid reflux? Unfortunately, the answer is a little more complicated.

Kombucha is acidic, but contains lactic acid bacterial species that may have probiotic properties. These bacteria can aid digestion and prevent gut inflammation. In addition, the acetic acid in it aids in the killing of harmful microorganisms. As a result, Kombucha can help improve gut health and is suitable for gastritis.

Its probiotic-rich nature is famous to improve overall gut health, so it’s likely to alleviate some discomfort associated with both ailments. To get the most out of it, look for a brand with organic ingredients and no added sugar. When shopping, avoid buying drinks with a higher sugar concentration.

Start with a small amount (4-6 ounces) to see how your body reacts. Then, you can gradually increase your intake if you don’t notice any adverse effects.

Is Kombucha Bad For Acid Reflux

Kombucha’s acid, caffeine, and alcohol can cause GERD symptoms or worsen heartburn. Acetic acid, on the other hand, may irritate the food pipe, increasing stomach acidity. In addition, it becomes carbonated as a result of the fermentation process. If you consume too much of it, the carbon dioxide in the digestive system builds up, causing excess gas and bloating.

Aside from these, Kombucha has the following side effects:

  • Nausea
  • Yellow skin (Jaundice)
  • Vomiting
  • Allergic reaction
  • Stomach infection
  • Yeast infection
  • Head and Neck pain

It is not good to drink Kombucha on an empty stomach.

Is Raw Kombucha Acidic?

Kombucha’s pH is less than 4.6, and it varies depending on the degree of fermentation. The dominant type of bacteria in Kombucha, Acetobacter, Gluconacetobacter, produces acetic acid, one of the most healthy acids and a clue to Kombucha’s low pH. Therefore, foods with a pH of 4.6 or lower have been deemed safe for sale without additional preservatives.


Kombucha is a fermented tea made from sugar, yeast, and black tea that has been fermented for weeks or more. During that time, bacteria and acids, as well as a trace of alcohol, form in the drink. As a result, it contains lactic acid bacteria and a healthy dose of B vitamins.

These bacteria and acids combine to form a film on the liquid’s surface known as SCOBY (symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast).

Is Kombucha Good For You?

Kombucha is a fermented drink containing many living bacteria that are beneficial to human health.

Health Benefits of Kombucha

In addition, Kombucha tea is high in vinegar, B vitamins, and other chemical compounds. As a result, its supporters claim it helps prevent and manage severe health conditions ranging from high blood pressure to cancer.

It has the following advantages:


The mixture contains a variety of lactic-acid bacteria species that develop in great numbers during the fermentation process and may have probiotic properties. It gives you a gut full of beneficial bacteria that can enhance several aspects of your health, including weight loss, inflammation, and digestion.


Kombucha, especially when made with green tea, appears to have antioxidant properties in the liver. Antioxidants remove free radicals from body cells and help to prevent or mitigate oxidative damage. Regularly consuming kombucha aids in the reduction of liver toxicity caused by toxic chemicals.

Antibacterial Properties

Acetic acid is produced during fermentation, which aids in the killing of bacteria and harmful microbes in your gut. It facilitates eradicating small amounts of damaging yeast and microbes that can cause illness without destroying the probiotic levels in your digestive tract.

Weight loss

Kombucha contains components that aid in weight loss. It provides beneficial bacteria that help digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall metabolism, allowing for more efficient fat burning.

Boost Immunity

Kombucha contains antioxidants, acetic acid, and probiotics, which help boost your immune system and fight infection, aiding digestion. As a result, it may reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes, among other benefits.


Is Kombucha highly acidic?

The pH range for Kombucha is 3.0 to 3.5, which indicates its acidic nature. It could taste more tart and be very acidic. Your teeth may experience many issues due to this acid. To reduce the acidity of the Kombucha, combine it with fruit puree, honey, or sugar.

Is Kombucha good for an acidic stomach?

Kombucha is a potentially good source of probiotics, which can promote gut health and prevent constipation. Keep in mind that the more acidic Kombucha is likely to aggravate your GERD and may even increase the severity of its symptoms.

Does Kombucha make your body acidic or alkaline?

Kombucha has been documented to induce various adverse effects due to possible contamination. Additionally, it may result in nausea, vomiting, yeast infections, jaundice, stomach issues, and nausea. Women who are nursing or pregnant should not use it. Alcohol abuse is a danger for everyone.

Is Kombucha acidic for teeth?

Kombucha has sugar and acid that can eat away at and erode your tooth enamel, which is the tough outer coating of your teeth. It exposes the inner layer of your teeth by erosion: make them more vulnerable to decay and more sensitive to specific hot, cold, sweet, and spicy foods.

Is Kombucha bad for ulcers?

Probiotics in Kombucha are highly beneficial against stomach ulcers brought on by acetic acid, ethanol, or stress. Kombucha can prevent leaky gut and treat stomach ulcers, but the more acidic varieties can also result in mouth ulcers, tooth loss, and mouth sores.

Bottom Line

Now you know the answer to the question “Is acidic Kombucha“. It is highly acidic, but when you prepare it properly, it is safe. It is beneficial for acid reflux because of its valuable components, but excessive use can negatively affect the digestive system. If you’re making it at home, keep everything clean, including the equipment and your hands.

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